Eric Pickles has written to Muslim leaders asking them to demonstrate how faith in Islam can be part of British identity.
Mr Pickles believes that acts of extremism, such as those carried out in Paris and in Copenhagen since the beginning of this year, are not representative of Islam and he furthermore believes that Muslim values are British values:
"Islam has a mesage of peace and unity, leading to our nation being a better and stronger place and that Britain would be diminished without its Muslim communities".
How does Mr Pickles work this out as: Muslim families are mainly larger (more children) than those of the indegenous (ie us) race and we have been limiting our families or not reproducing at all: upwards of seven million potential humans since abortion became legal forty-seven years ago; Islam does not encourage same-sex marriage; Islam teaches that polygamy is acceptable and that a wife has no property rights in the event of divorce, neither should she leave the home without her husband's consent or even be seen driving a car.
Contrast this with God's command to all couples to be fruitful, multiply and subdue the earth..
Contrast this with women's advancement in the UK since 1918
Contrast this with ' ..a man shall leave his mother & father and cleave unto his wife and the two shall be one flesh .. '
Britain would be totally diminished without its Christian constitution that HM The Queen swore to uphold at Her Coronation and which tragically to say the least, over the last sixty-three years of her reign, her governments have failed to uphold. Where once we were a nation for which Judeao-Christian values were a yardstick and church-going every Sunday was the norm, sin has effectually been legalised into our culture.
; sharia law must override the judgements of British courts
In response to an e-petition calling on HM Government to both prohibit and criminalise sharia courts closed in April of last year with well over 21,000 signatures, the relevant government department's response was that 'Sharia Law has no jurisdiction in England & Wales, the Govt. has no intention to change this position. Sharia principles are codes of religious laws governing Muslims' conduct (and) .. providing that activities governed by Sharia law do not contravene the law of England & Wales, there is nothing that prevents people living by Sharia law'.
There shall be one law ..
A nation divided against itself ..