Saturday, 14 March 2015


Tom Brake agrees with me that the above is illegal as does the Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt (understands the concerns about it. He also agrees and confirms that it is 'unacceptable and illegal'.) 

Tom Brake believes it is already clear that sex-selective abortion is illegal in the UK. 'The Chief Medical Officer, Dame Sally Davies, stated that '.. the law is clear that termination of a pregnancy on the grounds of gender alone is illegal ..' The Minister for Women and Equalities, Nicky Morgan, also agrees that gender-based abortion But as Fiona Bruce MP pointed out medical science has moved on since 1967 as a foetus' gender can now be confirmed. She also reiterated how one of the women in her constituency was attacked by the woman's husband when he discovered she was having a girl. Yet according to TB "It is not clear therefore why this amendment is needed. I am therefore unlikely to support it if it is debated at Report Stage (quote)'. This behaviour should be treated with the same seriousness as domestic violence. No life is worth terminating on any grounds.