Saturday, 21 March 2015


For all who believe in traditional marriage:

Saturday, 14 March 2015


Tom Brake agrees with me that the above is illegal as does the Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt (understands the concerns about it. He also agrees and confirms that it is 'unacceptable and illegal'.) 

Tom Brake believes it is already clear that sex-selective abortion is illegal in the UK. 'The Chief Medical Officer, Dame Sally Davies, stated that '.. the law is clear that termination of a pregnancy on the grounds of gender alone is illegal ..' The Minister for Women and Equalities, Nicky Morgan, also agrees that gender-based abortion But as Fiona Bruce MP pointed out medical science has moved on since 1967 as a foetus' gender can now be confirmed. She also reiterated how one of the women in her constituency was attacked by the woman's husband when he discovered she was having a girl. Yet according to TB "It is not clear therefore why this amendment is needed. I am therefore unlikely to support it if it is debated at Report Stage (quote)'. This behaviour should be treated with the same seriousness as domestic violence. No life is worth terminating on any grounds.

Political power

You can have power without authority. The alternative is authority without power.

Nature abhors a vacuum.
 Hence Sir John Sawyers, our ex-MI6 chief, declaring 'Libya had no institutions (post-Gadaffi). Who or what would take over? Those with the weapons' (Times, Feb 17th, 2015). Sir John believed that '.. no-one helped to manage the aftermath in Libya in contrast to the enduring US-led operations that followed'. 

Hence we now see a surge of Libyan migrants trying to crowd into Italy,their long-term aim of trying to reach Britain if not other countries in Europe. On today's BBC Breakfast News concerns were raised that there could be terrorists amongst them. 

The CPA's international policy calls for seeking peace efforts between and among nations and the flourishing of human dignity, besides addressing the issues that lead to impoverishment. In this instance there had to be a stable governance in Libya to replace what was overthrown. It's all very well to liberate a nation but liberate it to - what?

Islam in Britain

Eric Pickles has written to Muslim leaders asking them to demonstrate how faith in Islam can be part of British identity.

Mr Pickles believes that acts of extremism, such as those carried out in Paris and in Copenhagen since the beginning of this year, are not representative of Islam and he furthermore believes that Muslim values are British values: "Islam has a mesage of peace and unity, leading to our nation being a better and stronger place and that Britain would be diminished without its Muslim communities". How does Mr Pickles work this out as: Muslim families are mainly larger (more children) than those of the indegenous (ie us) race and we have been limiting our families or not reproducing at all: upwards of seven million potential humans since abortion became legal forty-seven years ago; Islam does not encourage same-sex marriage; Islam teaches that polygamy is acceptable and that a wife has no property rights in the event of divorce, neither should she leave the home without her husband's consent or even be seen driving a car. Contrast this with God's command to all couples to be fruitful, multiply and subdue the earth.. Contrast this with women's advancement in the UK since 1918 Contrast this with ' ..a man shall leave his mother & father and cleave unto his wife and the two shall be one flesh .. ' Britain would be totally diminished without its Christian constitution that HM The Queen swore to uphold at Her Coronation and which tragically to say the least, over the last sixty-three years of her reign, her governments have failed to uphold. Where once we were a nation for which Judeao-Christian values were a yardstick and church-going every Sunday was the norm, sin has effectually been legalised into our culture. ; sharia law must override the judgements of British courts In response to an e-petition calling on HM Government to both prohibit and criminalise sharia courts closed in April of last year with well over 21,000 signatures, the relevant government department's response was that 'Sharia Law has no jurisdiction in England & Wales, the Govt. has no intention to change this position. Sharia principles are codes of religious laws governing Muslims' conduct (and) .. providing that activities governed by Sharia law do not contravene the law of England & Wales, there is nothing that prevents people living by Sharia law'. There shall be one law .. A nation divided against itself ..

Friday, 13 March 2015

Living Streets

So often TV programs and Radio phone in shows remind us of the stress and strain of local living.

We need positive action and a concerted effort to create safe local neighbourhoods and more/healthy out-door activities...

Thursday, 12 March 2015

Engaging in Politics

'Christians need to engage in politics .. the bishops believe the sheer size of the Anglican vote will make politicians listen.  Last year one million people went to church each Sunday.  OK, that's roughly 1/64th of the population but by contrast .. Conservative party membership has declined from its postwar peak of 3 million to just 150,000.  Labour's membership is now 190,000 ('Times, 18/2/15)'.

'As the Bishop of Norwich pointed out when questioned bout the bishops' pastoral letter, more people atend church even ona wet Sunday in February than the combined membership of all political parties.  For many such churchgoers, spirituality and service to the whole community are inseparable (Times letters, Feb 19th, 20th and 21st).  The bishops were not 'intervening' but offering a moral vision to Christian People in the heart of their society (Times, Feb 23rd)

If the size of the Anglican  vote (and that of other Christian faiths) that the bishops believe in, can make a difference therefore we, the CPA, can make a potential 'mark' in this year's forthcoming General Election.