Wednesday, 9 September 2015


I have mixed feelings.

Though I fully accept that HM has remained steadfast and has given 65 years of loyal service amidst extraordinary changes to our nation, nevertheless I would question why and how her reign has taken us away from God, by whom kings are appointed .. (and for that matter brought down, as was King Saul in the OT) for at her Coronation she swore to '.. uphold the laws of God and the true profession of the Gospel' yet sin has been legalised, in her name,into our culture; she has been blessed with three jubilees during which she surely had opportunity to call this nation back to God.

OK, one could argue that she has had no choice but to sign into law whatever bills her governments have given to her but if man-made laws conflict with those of God's then His laws prevail.

My earnest hope, and indeed, prayer, is that her eyes may be opened to truly see all that her United Kingdom has come to.

(Adapted and posted to Sutton CPA Facebook Page)

Saturday, 25 July 2015


That's right.

Since this nation was brought through six years of war under the divine protection of Almighty God under a Christian monarch, our present Queen's father the late King George VI, we have been steadily turning away from the God of our forebears and enjoying the fruits of peace, prosperity and the gradual acceptance of what were previously considered 'taboo'.

Since 1953 our governments have made such issues into law and at the expense of peoples' dignity.

Censorship laws have been relaxed, to allow more and more explicit items masquerading as 'entertainment' to pervade our screens and affect our childrens' minds; censorship has been subject to enormous amount of changes over the last 100 years always allowing more violence and more sexually explicit material. BFI Screenonline: Censorship and Regulation

The 1967 Sexual Offences Act decriminalised homosexuality.  Before that it was considered a sin and was illegal. When certain folk ask for an 'inch' then they demand a yard'.  Hence the introduction of same-sex marriages with all the resulting controversy: Christians who don't support it are threatened, ridiculed or labelled as 'bigots'.

The 1967 Abortion Act decriminalised abortion. 186,000 babies are now aborted every year in the UK that has resulted in 8,000,000 lives lost to this nation via this practise, itself passed by a male-dominated House of Commons yet in the intervening years since we hear little about the effects of abortion on women who have survived to regret it.  Almost a form of exploitation and discrimination against women.

May He have mercy on us.

Wednesday, 22 July 2015

Successfully published!

RESTORATIVE JUSTICE could be freed early for learning to read

Under our Restorative Justice Policy the CPA would increase the resources being spent on vocational courses in prisons to give inmates the best possible chance of working when they are released. 

Studies in the USA have shown that those who acquire vocational qualifications in prison are 33% less likely to offend. 

So Michael Gove, the Justice Secretary seems to be adopting one of our ideas.

Tuesday, 5 May 2015


Out door-knocking today and met a lady whose twenty-five year old daughter is a doctor.  She advised me in no uncertain terms that it's up to all politicians to stop 'playing politics' with the NHS and put it above politics.

A portion of this shows how the Health & Social Care Act 2012 seems to have favoured profitability of services over patient care at the expense of integration within the NHS.


A nation is judged by how it treats its most vulnerable, eg its elderly and its  unborn.

They say 'what goes around, comes around'.

Today's  elderly generation was previously the Swinging Sixties generation.

  If ever assisted suicide (euthanasia by another title) becomes legalised then today's elderly generation - esp its most vulnerable members - could well find itself being terminated by the very succeeding generations that it set out to terminate through its tacit allowance, if not active support for, legalised abortion. 

Not only this but also today's senior citizens would have considerably higher pensions were it not for the loss of eight million taxpayers and NI contributors lost through abortion since 1967.    Could this by why the retirement  age, for today's generation of workers, has had to be increased to sixty-six? Could this be the reason why, on average, both men & women are having to pay £20.00 in NI contributions extra to make up for The Lost Generations?

The panel chairman, though admitting it was an interesting question, felt it was inappropriate for this meeting  and asked the audience to agree with her .. 

At least one attendee had received one of my leaflets.

We are reaping what we have sown since the Swinging Sixties.

Wednesday, 29 April 2015


185,331 babies were aborted in England and Wales in 2013.

Department of Health's figures
Nearly 8,000,000 potential taxpayers and NI contributors lost to the nation since abortion legalised.

Thus: shortfall in taxes for NHS, schools, police officers.

22 February 2015: ‘Christians around the world are being
encouraged to observe a moment of silence tomorrow and to
pray, in light of the beheading of 21 Coptic Christians.
Christian Weekly News, Christian Concern

The breakdown of marriage is costing the country £47bn per
year according to Government figures


Saturday, 25 April 2015


What about 183,000+ foetii (tomorrow's taxpayers and NI contributors) terminated every day?

Think Positive.  


Tuesday, 14 April 2015


Image result for crusades       Image result for st thomas' hospital london

Image result for spckImage result for spck

Image result for spck
Image result for crusades

Out canvassing this morning and a potential voter thought it was a UKIP rosette I was wearing.  I pointed out that it was CPA and she declared she would have 'nothing to do with anything Christian', pointing to that word.

On the minus side: Christians took part in the Crusades and religion was used as an excuse for war.  Though the Crusades themselves were in response to an Islamic jihad that threatened the then Western civilisation.  I say this with Christian love and no disrespect to any Muslims reading this blog.

On the plus side: we started one of the first free education schemes in this country (through the SPCK);

we provided the first free hospitals that had a Christian ethos (St Thomas' Hospital, St Bart's, Guy's Hospital (name after the Christian philanthropist Thomas Guy);

we exported Christianity through the conduits of the old Empire.  Never let it be said that the old Empire did not have its moral side.  

According to Wale Babatunde, himself a Nigerian and thus a child of the old Empire, it was the missionaries who provided the best doctors, teachers and nurses.